Sous Vide Ranch Steak

How To Cook Sous Vide Ranch Steak

Ranch Steak is a tender cut of beef, mostly comprised of protein and fat. As a result, ranch steak is best cooked by bringing it up to your desired temperature, but not letting it cook for an extended period of time.

Traditionally, cooking techniques like grilling or sauteing are used to cook tender cuts of beef, like ranch steak. This allows ranch steak to be cooked to the full range of temperatures, from rare to well done. Sous vide's primary benefit for this type of cut is that it can produce edge-to-edge consistency of doneness. If you like your ranch steak medium, you don't need to have a range of doneness from medium well at the edges to medium in the center.

Our advice with Ranch Steak is to cook it at a temperature you like and not to exceed a couple of hours (depending on the thickness of the cut). The goal is to bring the beef up to the temperature you want.

Sous Vide Ranch Steak Recipe/Time

The most simple way of preparing ranch steak is to:

  1. Bring your sous vide setup up to the proper temperature (see chart below).
  2. Cut it into portions.
  3. Put the ranch steak into individual bags, along with a cooking fat like butter or olive oil, as well as some salt
  4. Seal the bag and place it in the water bath for some time.
  5. Remove the bag from the water bath, and the ranch steak from the bag

Sous Vide Ranch Steak Temperature Chart

Medium Rare:131-139°F
Medium Well:150-155°F

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