Sous Vide Ostrich Fan

How To Cook Ostrich Fan Sous Vide

Ostrich fan is one of the most tender cuts of the animal. In general, your best approach is to bring it up to temperature and not let it cook for long periods of time. We would also recommend preparing fan sous vide at rare to medium rare temperatures.

Sous Vide Ostrich Fan Recipe/Time

The most simple way of preparing fan is to:

  1. Bring your sous vide setup up to the proper temperature (see chart below).
  2. Cut it into portions.
  3. Put the fan into individual bags, along with a cooking fat like butter or olive oil, as well as some salt
  4. Seal the bag and place it in the water bath for some time.
  5. Remove the bag from the water bath, and the fan from the bag

Sous Vide Ostrich Fan Temperature Chart

Medium Rare:131-139°F
Medium Well:150-155°F

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